Monday, June 20, 2011

Last one to leave, turn out the lights

We're closing down the blogger site. All wods and other BHCF activity will now be posted at Click here to be redirected.


WOD Tuesday June 21, 2011

6 handstand pushups (or 30 second handstand hold)
9 ring dips
12 kb swings (55/35)
15 box jumps (24/20)

AMRAP in 18 mins

Try for partial range of motion on the HSPU rather than handstand holds -- even if the range of motion is only a couple of inches. Use abmats to shorten the distance to the floor.

To get an RX, you must finish the round you are working on when time expires. Those additional reps do not count toward your score.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

WOD Monday June 20, 2011

10 Front Squats (135/95)
15 Burpees

5 Rounds

Thursday, June 16, 2011

WOD Friday June 17th 2011

As many REPS as possible in 15 minutes
KB Swings 1 point
Box Jump 2 point
Wallball 3 point
Thruster 5 point

You can do as many reps of each exercise as you want. If you want to do KB swings for 15 minutes then go ahead. But I encourage you to do a few reps of each exercise.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

WOD Thursday June 16th 2011

Split Jerks


- start slow and work on technique, then work up to a 1 rep max

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

WOD Wednesday June 15th 2011

Row 500 Meters
25 Pushups
Run 400 Meters
25 Situps with Medicane Ball

3 Rounds

Monday, June 13, 2011

WOD Tuesday June 14th 2011

Lunges (per leg)

#1 225/185

#2 135/95

Sunday, June 12, 2011

WOD Monday June 13th 2011

75 reps of Overhead Squats

- every minute you must stop and do 5 Burpees

#1 95/65

#2 75/45

Friday, June 10, 2011

WOD Friday June 10th 2011

"CrossFit Total"

1 Rep Max Press
1 Rep Max Squat
1 Rep Max Deadlift

Your CrossFit total will be your max on these 3 lifts added together. Most of you have come in and done Max lifts in a workout. But now we are having you max out on 3 different lifts in one hour. So dont spend to much time on one lift.

Also the Press is a strict press. There should be no bend in the knees when pressing the weight overhead.

When you are reaching your max squat I want you to have spotters. We want people to be safe. You should not be dumping the weight unless you absolutely have to.

Good luck

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WOD Thursday June 9th 2011

60 Bicycle Crunches (total)
40 Parallet Jumps (total)
1 Minute Plank
20 Wallball
20 Situps

4 Rounds

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WOD Wednesday June 8th 2011


Box Jump
Power Snatch (75/55)
Chest to Bar Pullups

Monday, June 6, 2011

WOD Tuesday June 7th 2011

"Hoover Ball Training"

All wod's will take place at Sioux Park Running Track

WOD Monday June 6th 2011

100 Double Unders
90 Squats
80 KB Swings
70 situps
60 second rest
500 Meter row
40 Box Jumps
30 Burpees
20 Knees to elbows

- 1 round for time

Friday, June 3, 2011

WOD Friday June 3rd 2011

15 KB Swings
10 Wallballs

10 Rounds

-must also complete (2) 500 meter rows sometime during the wod,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

WOD Thursday JUne 2nd 2011

40Sprint Strides (total)
20 Situps
15 Power Clean (135/95)

4 Rounds

WOD Wednesday June 1st 2011

A.M.R.A.P in 15 Minutes

2 Push Press, 4 Box Jump, 6 Lunges
4 Push Press, 6 Box Jump, 8 Lunges

continue adding 2 reps each round until time expires

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

WOD Tuesday May 31st 2011

2 Laps
50 Flutterkicks
40 Double Unders
30 Russian Twists
20 KB Swings

5 rounds

Friday, May 27, 2011

WOD Monday May 30th 2011 "Memorial Day"

1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 squats
1 mile run

We will be running the wod at 7:30am and 4:30 pm on Monday. There will be no other classes on Memorial Day. This will be the only workout done, no exceptions. Please dress accordingly, the weather forecast is calling for rain all day.

There are 2 ways to run the wod. Everybody will start out with a 1 mile run. You can then either break up the pullups, pushups and squats. Example 10 pullups, 20 pushups, and 30 squats for 10 rounds. This format will count as a RX. Or you can do the reps straight through. In order to be considered for the "Record Board" you must do all the reps straight through. So you can not start the pushups until you finish all 100 pullups. Brian has also provided us with several flack vests to wear if you would like. I have posted below the story on Lt Murphy. I hope to see lots of people there to show our respect for the sacrifice Lt Murphy gave when he died fighting for our freedom.

BATH, Maine – Engaged in a frenzied firefight and outnumbered by the Taliban, Navy Lt. Michael Murphy made a desperate decision as he and three fellow SEALs fought for their lives on a rocky mountainside in Afghanistan's Kunar Province in 2005.
In a last-ditch effort to save his team, Murphy pulled out his satellite phone, walked into a clearing to get reception and called for reinforcements as a fusillade of bullets ricocheted around him. One of the bullets hit him, but he finished the call and even signed off, "Thank you."
Then he continued the battle.
Dan Murphy, the sailor's father, said it didn't surprise him that his slain son nicknamed "The Protector" put himself in harm's way. Nor was he surprised that in the heat of combat his son was courteous.
"That was Michael. He was cool under fire. He had the ability to process information, even under the most difficult of circumstances. That's what made him such a good SEAL officer," Murphy said.
A warship bearing the name of the Medal of Honor recipient will be christened Saturday — on what would have been Murphy's 35th birthday — at Bath Iron Works, where the destroyer is being built.
[Related: Afghan vet: The enemy is still dangerous]
Murphy, who was 29 when he died, graduated from Pennsylvania State University and was accepted to multiple law schools, but decided he could do more for his country as one of the Navy's elite SEALS — special forces trained to fight on sea, air and land — the same forces that killed Osama bin Laden this week in Pakistan.
Heightened security will be in effect as Murphy's mother, Maureen, christens the ship by smashing a bottle of champagne against the bow of the 510-foot-long warship as Murphy's father, brother and others watch.
Murphy, of Patchogue, N.Y., earned his nickname after getting suspended in elementary school for fighting with bullies who tried to stuff a special-needs child into a locker and for intervening when some youths were picking on a homeless man, said Dan Murphy, a lawyer, former prosecutor and Army veteran who served in Vietnam.
Maureen Murphy said he thought he was too young to take a desk job as a lawyer. Instead, he went to officer candidate school, the first step on his journey to become a SEAL officer. He was in training during the Sept. 11 attacks, which shaped his views.
His view was that there are "bullies in the world and people who're oppressed in the world. And he said, 'Sometimes they have to be taken care of,'" she said.
[Related: Military wife: Our troops are still fighting]
On June 28, 2005, the day he was killed, Murphy was leading a SEAL team in northeastern Afghanistan looking for the commander of a group of insurgents known as the Mountain Tigers.
The Operation Red Wings reconnaissance team rappelled down from a helicopter at night and climbed through rain to a spot 10,000 feet high overlooking a village to keep a lookout. But the mission was compromised the following morning when three local goat herders happened upon their hiding spot.
High in the Hindu Kush mountains, Murphy and Petty Officers Marcus Luttrell of Huntsville, Texas; Matthew Axelson of Cupertino, Calif.; and Danny Dietz of Littleton, Colo.; held a tense discussion of the rules of engagement and the fate of the three goat herders, who were being held at gunpoint.
If they were Taliban sympathizers, then letting the herders go would allow them to alert the Taliban forces lurking in the area; killing them might ensure the team's safety, but there were issues of possible military charges and a media backlash, according to Luttrell, the lone survivor.
Murphy, who favored letting the goat herders go, guided a discussion of military, political, safety and moral implications. A majority agreed with him.
An hour after the herders were released, more than 100 Taliban armed with AK-47 assault rifles and rocket-propelled grenades opened fire, attacking from higher elevation, and maneuvering to outflank the SEALs, said Gary Williams, author of "Seal of Honor," a biography of Murphy.
Dan Murphy said his son made the right call.
"It was exactly the right decision and what Michael had to do. I'm looking at it from Michael's perspective, that these were clearly civilians. One of them was 14 years old, which was about the age of his brother. Michael knew the rules of engagement and the risks associated with it," the father said.
As the only survivor, Luttrell has pangs of regret for voting to go along with Murphy, his best friend; he now believes the team could've survived if the goat herders were killed.
In his own book, "Lone Survivor," Luttrell wrote that Murphy was shot in the stomach early in the firefight, but ignored the wound and continued to lead the team, which killed dozens of Taliban attackers. The injuries continued to mount as the SEALs were forced to scramble, slide and tumble down the mountain in the face of the onslaught.
Three of the team members had been shot at least once when Murphy decided drastic action was needed to save the team, Luttrell wrote. With the team's radio out of commission, Murphy exposed himself to enemy gunfire by stepping into a clearing with a satellite phone to make a call to Bagram Airfield to relay the dire situation. He dropped the phone after being shot, then picked it up to complete the phone call with four words: "Roger that, thank you."
By the end of the two-hour firefight, Murphy, Dietz and Axelson were dead. The tragedy was compounded when 16 rescuers — eight additional SEALs and eight members of the Army's elite "Night Stalkers" — were killed when their MH-47 Chinook helicopter was shot down by a rocket-propelled grenade.
It was the largest single-day loss in naval special warfare history. All told, 33 SEALS have been killed in action since the Sept. 11 attacks, officials say.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

WOD Friday May 27th 2011

50 Double Unders

40 Situps

30 KB Clean & Press (total)

20 S.D.H.P(95/65)

10 Ring Dips

20 S,D,H,P

30 KB Clean & Press

40 Situps

50 Double Unders

WOD Thursday May 26th 2011


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WOD Wednesday May 25th 2011

20 Wallball
15 Pushups
10 Squats
5 Burpees

A.M.R.A.P in 15 minutes

I just wanted to mention a little house keeping issue that we are having at the gym. Two of the things that we have in our gym that you will not find in most other Crossfit gym's, are the water bottles and gum. Kat is gracious enough to provide the gum. I would like to continue to provide both of these items to everybody at the gym. However we have started to find gum wrappers and gum on the floors and outside of the gym. The trainers also continue to pick up half empty water bottles after every class. Please be mindful of the gum/water bottles and throw them in the trash. Thank you for helping us to keep Black Hills CrossFit the "Cleanest Gym in town"

Monday, May 23, 2011

WOD Tuesday May 24th 2011

10 KB Swings
10 Box Jumps

10 Toes to Bar

10 Rounds

Sunday, May 22, 2011

WOD Monday May 23rd 2011

3 Tasks to be completed

1. 1500 meter row
2. Ground to Overhead ( 4000lb men, 2500lb women)
3. 8 Minute Plank

- tasks can be completed in any order and any rep range, you can do it all at once or break it up into as many sets as you want,
- you can take weight from ground to overhead any way you want, you chose the weight yourself
- your time for the plank only counts if your actually in a plank position, if you have to rest you must break the plank position in order to rest, I dont want to see any sway backs or butts in the air

Thursday, May 19, 2011

WOD Friday May 20th 2011



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WOD Thursday May 20th 2011

7 Overhead Squats (95/65)
7 Box Jumps
7 Pushups

7 Rounds

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WOD Wednesday May 18th 2011

100 Double Unders
Knees to Elbows
Burpees over a parallet
100 double Unders

-Begin and end the wod with 100 Double Unders
- when you do the burpee you must then jump over the parallet in order to do the next one, and yes I expect a clap overhead on every one

Monday, May 16, 2011

WOD Tuesday May 17th 2011

1 Power Clean
2 Hang Cleans
3 Push Press
Run to mailbox and back

10 rounds

Sunday, May 15, 2011

WOD Monday May 16th 2011

10 Handstand Pushups (30 second hold)
15 Bicycle Crunches (30 total)
20 Box Jumps
15 KB Swings
10 V up''s with Medicane ball

4 rounds

Friday, May 13, 2011

WOD Friday May 13th 2011

100 meter row
10 situps
10 squats
10 Double unders
200 M Row
20 Situps
20 Squats
20 Double Unders
300 M Row
30 Situps
30 Squats
30 Double Unders
400 M Row
40 Situps
40 Squats
40 Double Unders
500 M Row

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

WOD Thursday May 12th 2011

"Split Jerks"

Spend time working with just the pvc pipe or an empty bar. You should be comfortable with the technique before you start adding weight. This would also be a great time for everybody to try out the "jerk boxes" that we built.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

WOD Wednesday May 11th 2011


- You will start with the wallballs, when you complete your reps you will then do weighted OH lunges over to the pullup bar. After completing pullups you will then do weighted OH lunges back over to the wallballs. Complete sequence until all reps are completed.

- OH weighted lunges

20/14 everything to 10ft line

Monday, May 9, 2011

WOD Tuesday May 10th 2011

Round 1. 2 Front Squat/4 Rollouts/ 6 Burpees
Round 2. 4 Front Squat/6 Rollouts/ 8 Burpees
Round 3. 6 Front Squat/8 Rollouts/10 Burpees

-continue to add 2 reps to each exercise every round

A.M.R.A.P in 18 Minutes

Weight Option #1 95/65

#2 135/95

Sunday, May 8, 2011

WOD Monday May 9th 2011

"Partner WOD"
100 KB Swings (55/35)
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
100 Pushups
100 Flutter Kicks ( per leg, 200 total)
100 Jumping Pullups

-while one partner is doing the work the other partner is holding a plank position for 30 seconds, you must switch every 30 seconds

- when switching you can not start doing reps until partner is in the plank postion

-good communication between partners is going to be key to this wod

Thursday, May 5, 2011

WOD Friday May 6th 2011

20 KB Swings (55/35)
400 Meter Run

5 Rounds

2 choices for running
- run 3 laps around the building which equals 400 meters
-run to the driveway of Pac Rat Palace and back also equals 400 meters

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

WOD Thursday May 5th 2011

" Heavy Back Squats"

This does not mean you come in and do a set of 5 and then 4 and so on. You start with a light weight and work your way up in the weight and down in the reps. I have outlined my weight and reps that I will be doing tomorrow. This will give you a general idea of how to do your workout.

Max Squat roughly 450lb, the percents are based off my one rep max

10 reps at 135 (30%)
9 reps at 135 (30%)
8 reps at 180 (40%)
7 reps at 180 (40%)
6 reps at 225 (50%)
5 reps at 270 (60%)
4 reps at 315 (70%)
3 reps at 360 (80%)
2 reps at 380 (85%)
1 reps at 405 (90%)

When a "Heavy Day" is done properly, you should have nothing left. Lifting heavy is just as important as working on a good 500m row time, or seeing how many double-unders you can get in a row. Actually it's more important because by getting stronger it will make all those other things easier and make you better.

Just remember " If you arent a little scared of getting under the bar, you arent going heavy enough".

WOD Wednesday May 4th 2011

10 S.D.H.P
15 Wallballs
20 Situps

5 Rounds

Option #1

Option #2

CrossFit Games Sectionals are over. BlackHills CrossFit finished 33rd as team in our region. The top 30 go on to regionals. I feel that we did an awesome job. We are still a small gym, but we represented ourselves well. You should all be very proud. Over the last weeks we have all pushed beyond what we thought we were capable of. We also found some weakness's. I hope that you will take those weakness's and start working on them for next year.

Monday, May 2, 2011

WOD Tuesday May 3rd 2011

10 Hang Power Clean

10 Push Press

10 Pullups

10 Pushups

A.M.R.A.P in 18 minutes

Option #2


Option #2


WOD Monday May 2nd 2011

200 Meter Row
5 Burpee Box Jumps
15 Situps
30 Mountain Climbers (total)

"10 rounds"

Friday, April 29, 2011

WOD Friday April 29th 2011

5 Tasks to be completed

2500 meter row
75 wallballs
30 Back Extensions
50 Jumpings Squats
5 Rope Climbs

Thursday, April 28, 2011

WOD Thursday April 28th 2011


Men 10,000 lb
Women 7500 lb

There is no set weight or reps. You chose your own reps and weight, but when you get done your total weight should total up to the above numbers.

There are 2 ways to go about this wod. You can either stay light and pull a whole bunch of reps. Or go heavy and not have to do as many reps. I vote for going heavy. Going heavy will make you stronger and in the end it's alot more fun to move heavy weight, rather than just doing a bunch of reps with light weight.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wendsday April 27 2010


For Time:

100 Squats

75 Sit-ups

50 Push-ups

25 Pull-up

25 Burpees

50 Lunges (total)

75 K.B.S 55/35

100 Double Unders

Saturday, April 23, 2011

WOD Wednesday April 27th 2011

100 Squats

75 Situps

50 Pushups

25 Pullups

25 Burpees

50 Lunges (total)

75 KB Swings

100 Double Unders

This coming Saturday is the last WOD for the Crossfit Games. Black Hills Crossfit is currently sitting 34th in our region. They take the top 30 to regional. So we are right on the edge. We would like to invite everybody to come and cheer on the athletics this Saturday as they do their last workout for the games. After the wod we will be having a barbecue. There is a sign up form on the whiteboard under the "warmup".

The gym will be providing chicken. We will also have a grill there, so if you dont like chicken you can bring your own and just throw it on the grill .

You don't need to participate in the wod in order to enjoy the food. If you want to you can just show up for the food. But I highly encourage you to show up and cheer on the people who could be representing us at regional games. We also need you to bring your own chair, and if you would like to have any adult beverages that will also be on your own. Its going to be a good time, hope to see everybody there.

WOD Tuesday April 26th 2011


Power Squat Clean (135/95)



WOD Monday April 25th 2011

5 Pistols (per leg)

10 Parallet Pushups

15 Box Jumps

20 Russian Twists

A.M.R.A.P in 15 minutes

Friday, April 22, 2011

"Partner WOD"

Row 100 Calories
S.D.H.P 100 reps (95/65)
Double Unders 200 reps
K.B. Swings 100 reps

- while one partner is working, the other partner must maintain a wallsit with a medicane ball overhead

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WOD Thursday April 21st 2011

1 Min Plank
50 OH Walking Lunges (total) (10/25)
1 Min Plank
40 Pushups
1 Min Plank
30 Box Jump
1 Min Plank
20 Burpees
1 Min Plank
10 Ring Dips
1 Min Plank

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

WOD Wednesday April 20th 2011

100 Air Squats
20 Push Press 155/105

2 Rounds

WOD Tuesday April 19th 2011

10 BW Deadlifts
15 Toes to Bar
20 Wallballs

4 rounds

Sunday, April 17, 2011

WOD Monday April 18th 2011


Double Unders
KB Swings

-after every round you must also row 250 meters

Thursday, April 14, 2011

WOD Friday April 15th 2011

5 Handstand Pushups (or 30 second hold)
10 S.D.H.P 95/65
15 Box Jump

5 Rounds

WOD Thursday April 14th 2011


Bar Jumps

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

WOD Wednesday Arpil 13th 2011

10 Pullups
15 KB Swings
20 Lunges (total)
250 Meter Row

A.M.R.A.P in 20 minutes

Monday, April 11, 2011

WOD April 12th 2011

Strength WOD

Back Squat

- You should be working with weight that you are not sure you can get 3 or 4 reps with and then somehow get 5 reps, then you know your working hard

Conditioning WOD

7 Wallballs (20/14)
7 Burpees

7 rounds

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WOD Thursday April 7th 2011

"The Bear"

Complete seven sets of the following sequence:

power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

Do this for five rounds, increasing the weight each round to find your max. Once you set the weight you can’t go down in weight, only up. Rest as needed in between rounds.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

WOD Wednesday April 6th 2011

‘Moving Toward Spring Fever’ (Approximately 20-30 minutes of work)
30 Sec Side Plank (Switch sides every round)
2 Butterfly sit ups
3 Toes to Bar
4 V Ups
5 Chest to Toes with Med Ball 20/14
6 Mountain Climbers
7 Russian Twists
8 Round the World 45/25
9 KBS 55/35
10 Weighted Floor Wipers (3 touch count) 65/45
11 KTE
12 Burpee Wall Balls
(Run like 12 days of Christmas. Always finish the series with a 30 sec. plank)

Monday, April 4, 2011

WOD Tuesday April 5th 2011

OHS 5-3-1-1
(65%, 75%, 85%, 90%)
(20 Minutes of work)

Part #2

‘Let Me Out’

Run 1 Mile
5 Squat Snatch 65/45
10 Squat Cleans- same weight

Run 1/2 mile
5 Squat Snatch
10 Squat Cleans

Run 1/4 mile
5 Squat Snatch
10 Squat Cleans

Option #2 95/65

Sunday, April 3, 2011

WOD Monday Arpil 4th 2011

‘Round the Clock’ (18 Min of work)

1st round: 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds transition

2nd Round 50/10

3rd Round 55/5

Station 1 - Kettlebell Farmers Carry 55/35 (edge of green mat to edge of green mat, approximately 10 m) Each edge is 1 point

Burpee Sit Ups 20/14 (use med ball) ( 2 points each)

Row for calories (1 point each calorie)

Mountain Climbers (8 touches equals a 1 point) (knee must meet or pass the elbow)

Knees to Elbows (2 Points each)

Double Unders (1 points each)

3 Rounds

While it may look confusing at first, its not. The wod is the same format as "Fight Gone Bad". But instead of having 1 minute of rest after each round, the rest time is worked into the wod. Its going to be a fun one.

Friday, April 1, 2011

WOD Friday April 1st 2011


1000m row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pullups

Sunday, March 27, 2011

WOD Thursday March 31st 2011

"Loving My Wallball"

20 Wallballs
20 Russian Twist (per side)
2 Down & Back (carrying the wallball)
20 Situps with the wallball

5 Rounds

WOD Wednseday March 30th 2011

30 Sec Handstand Hold
30 Sec Squat Hold
30 Sec L-sit Hold
30 Sec chin-over-bar hold

A.M.R.A.P in 20 Minutes

WOD Tuesday March 29th 2011

Back Squat
7500lb Men
4500 lb Women

- you can use whatever reps or weight you want, when you get done the total weight you move must equal to above numbers

Part #2

Partner Up

2500 Meter Row
Plank Hold

-one partner is rowing while the other is holding a plank, the plank must never be broken, so the person who is rowing has to be off the row machine and in a plank before the other partner can break the plank, if the plank is broken both partners must perform 10 burpees

WOD Monday March 28th 2011


Box Jump (24/20)

Deadlift (135/95)


Option #2

"Go Heavy"


The first round of the Crossfit Games are in. Black Hills CrossFit finished in 35th place out of 47 in our region. And we finished 598th out of 786 in the world. Not to bad for our first go around. The next WOD will be announced at 1800 on Tuesday. That is if the website can keep from crashing when everybody logs on at the same time. Job well done to everybody.

Friday, March 25, 2011

CrossFit Games Results

Everybody who participated in the Games WOD's need to post their results. You need to go to your profile and put in your scores. I have listed the results below. You need to do so by Sunday afternoon.

Mike 197
Johnny K 206
Kat 194
Kai 143
Steve 210
Paula 238
Brian 214
Susie 210
Richelle 194
Katie F 172
Kelly B 165
Jen W 211
Paul 346
Will 261
Yanni 191

WOD Friday March 25th 2011

Option 1
10 L-pullups
15 pushups
10 chest to bar pullups
15 pushups
20 pullups
15 pushups

4 rounds

Option 2
22 KB Swings
22 Box Jumps
Row 400 Meters
22 Burpees
22 Wallballs

5 Rounds

Thursday, March 24, 2011

WOD Thursday March 24th 2011

50 Mountain Climbers

30 Russian Twists

20 Box Jumps

250 Meter Row

4 rounds

Monday, March 21, 2011

WOD Tuesday March 22nd 2011

Front Squat
5reps 3 reps 1 rep
(60%) (80%) (90%)

Pullups-KB Swings-Burpees
1 rep- 2 rep- 3 rep
2 rep- 3 rep-4 rep
3 rep- 4 rep- 5 rep

-continue to add 1 rep to each exercise each round

A.M.R.A.P in 15 minutes

WOD Monday March 21st 2011

30 Second Plank
20 Pushups
10 Box Jumps
20 Situps
30 Squats

5 Rounds

We are starting to get a very large collection of water bottles and shoes on the shelf under the stereo. Please take your water bottles and shoes home with you every day. It doesn't take very much time before we have a very large cluttered mess on the shelves. I don't want to start to throw things in the trash, but I will be forced to if it becomes to big of a mess. I wont throw out any shoes, but just ask Ryan Marck what happens when you leave your shoes at the gym for to long.

Thank you

Friday, March 18, 2011

WOD Friday March 18th 2011

New PR of 245lb

400 Meter Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pullups

3 Rounds

-we will also allow you to row 400m instead of runing, but it will not be counted towards the leaderboard

Thursday, March 17, 2011

WOD Thursday March 17th 2011


Nasty 25

25 Box Jump
25 Jumping Pullup
25 KB Swing
25 Lunges ( per leg)
25 Burpees
25 Situps

Everybody who is going to do the Crossfit Games WOD need to watch the video on the main website. It is under Wednesday's workout. It gives a good explanation of the movements. Good luck to everybody.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WOD Wednesday March 16th 2011

150 Squats
2500 Meter Row
60 Wall Ball
5 Mailbox & Back

-break up however you want, you can also break up the reps, strategy is the key to this wod

WOD Tuesday March 15th 2011

10 Push Press

20 KB Swings

30 Double Unders

A.M.R.A.P in 21 Minutes
The team profile for Crossfit Games is up and running. In order to join the team you need to register as a Athletic. Once you have done that you go to the bottom of your screen and there is a place where it says " Join a Team". It will ask for which team you would like to join. Type in "Black Hills CrossFit". You will then be apart of the team. I encourage everybody to join the team.
The first WOD will come out tonight. We will then have until Sunday evening to complete the Wod and then submit the results. The plan is to do the WOD's on Saturday morning during open gym. If you can not make it Saturday morning then let me know and we can make other arrangements. This plan will go for 6 weeks. Every Tuesday a new WOD will be posted. If you have any questions please let me know. Good luck to everyone and lets have some fun with the WOD's and being apart of the CrossFit Games.

Monday, March 14, 2011

WOD Monday March 14th 2011

10 Hang Squat Clean(95/65)
7 Rollouts
5 Burpees

6 Rounds

Friday, March 11, 2011

Paleo Winners

1st Place Susie & Katie F

2nd Place Katie S & Amanda

3rd Place Ryan & Jacque

Congratulations to the winners and everybody who participated. I would like to give an honorable mention to Katie Solvie. She has been doing an incredible job in and out of the gym. Not more than a month ago she was scared to jump on the silver box. Last night she jumped on it 100 times with out stopping. She is an incredible inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work.

I would also like to invite everybody to the YMCA on Saturday to watch Richelle and Brian Kemper participate in their first powerlifting meet. It will be held upstairs at the YMCA in the gym. The meet starts at 9:00 am.

WOD Friday March 11th 2011


Deadlift (155/95)
Wall Ball
Weighted Jump Squats (25/10)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

WOD Thursday March 10th 2011

Spend first 20 minutes of the hour working your split jerks. Work on form and technique. Increase weight as your form gets better. Remember technique and form over weight and time every time. There is no set reps or weight.

Part #2

-break up how ever you want

100 Double Unders (300)
100 Situps
100 Box Jumps
100 Flutter Kicks (total)
30 Down & Back ( down and back counts as one, must touch wall on both ends, run from north to south)

WOD Wednesday March 9th 2011

5 Knees to Elbows
10 S.D.H.P (95/65)
20 Russian Twists (40 total) (20/10)
30 Air Squats

5 Rounds

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

WOD Tuesday March 8th 2011

Part #1

Overhead Squat

Part #2

40 Kb Swings
20 Pullups
10 Burpees
30 Kb Swings
15 Pullups
10 Burpees
20 Kb Swings
10 Pullups
10 Burpees

Sunday, March 6, 2011

WOD Monday March 8th 2011

10 Wallballs

15 Box Jumps

10 Thrusters (95/65)

4 Rounds

- must also do (2), 500 Meter Rows and 100 situps, situps and row can be done anytime during wod

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tubing party


When: Sunday - 05/13/11

Time: 12:00 pm

Cost: $18.00 per person

One rate only for adults and kids

Must be 40” or taller to tube

If we can get 20 or more people we will get a discounted rate of $15.00 per person

Meet at the main ticket area

Monday, February 28, 2011

WOD Friday March 4th 2011

Kat out representing BHCF at the Polar Plunge
2010 Rocky Mountain Sectionals Final WOD

6 Squat Clean (135/95)
9 Chest to Bar Pullups
12 Box Jump (24/20)

A.M.R.A.P in 10 Minutes


50 Squats

40 Situps

30 Parallet Jumps (total)

20 Pushups

10 Deadlift (bodyweight)

3 Rounds

WOD Thursday March 3rd 2011

10 Pullups

10 Push Press (115/75)

10 Ring Dips

5 Rounds

- Pullups for men are done with 20lb Medicane Ball held between legs, for ladies wither use 6 Lb Medicane Ball or do dead hang pullups using a lighter band then your use to.

WOD Wednesday March 2nd 2011

2 Burpee, 4 Double Unders, 6 Situps

-continue to add 2 reps every round

A.M.R.A.P in 12 minutes

WOD Tuesday March 1st 2011


Power Clean (135/95)

Wall Ball (20/10) everything to 10ft line

Knees To Elbows

WOD Monday Feb 28th 2011

10 Front Squat 95/65
15 Pushups
10 KB Swings 55/35

A.M.R.A.P in 20 minutes

-last done 8/24/10

Thursday, February 24, 2011

WOD Friday Feb 25th 2011


95 pound Overhead squat, 21 reps
42 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 15 reps
30 Pull-ups
95 pound Overhead squat, 9 reps
18 Pull-ups

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

WOD Thursday Feb 24th 2011

100 Jumping Pullups
75 Situps
25 Burpees

-every minute you must perform 5 Deadlifts 225/135

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

WOD Wednesday Feb 23rd 2011

- to be completed in any order, but once you start a task you must finish all reps before moving on

1. 1500 Meter Row
2. 100 Double Unders (300 Singles)
3. 75 KB Swings
4. 50 Box Jumps (24/20)
5. 5000 lb Men, 2500 Women, take weight from ground to overhead in any fashion
(for example if a person were to put 75lb on a bar, that person would have to do 34 reps from ground to overhead to achieve 2500 lb, bar must touch gound on every rep)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

WOD Monday Feb 21st 2011

5 pistols per leg
10 Overhead Walking Lunges (20 total) (45/25)
15 Situps
20 Double Unders

6 rounds

WOD Friday Feb 18th 2011


30 Box Jump
20 Push Press 115/85
30 Pullup

A.M.R.A.P in 20 minutes

WOD Thursday Feb 17th 2011

20 S.D.H.P
100 Bar Jumps
20 Front Squat
80 Bar Jumps
15 S.D.H.P
60 Bar Jumps
15 Front Squat
40 Bar Jumps
10 S.D.H.P
20 Bar Jumps
10 Front Squat

- 135/85
-bar jump numbers are total, 1 each side of the bar

WOD Wednesday Feb 16th 2011

Kb Swing

- for a RX you can not have any breaks during the set

WOD Tuesday Feb 15th 2011

Back Squat

Group WOD
A.M.R.A.P in 12 minutes
200 M Row
- 20 situps
- 20 pushups
- 20 Double Unders

can not switch up until each person has finished their reps

WOD Monday Feb 14th 2011

Check out the CrossFitters out braving the cold for a 5k run. Great job goes out to Katie, Susie, Ryan and Tammy. Actually I think the weather was about perfect for a run, other than the wind. Awesome job guys.

20 Double Unders
1 Lap
10 Burpees
10 Pullups
10 Knees to Elbows

4 Rounds

There will be no 5:30 am class on Monday or Thursday. Keith is out of town for a class. I am sorry that I forgot to cancell the classes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

WOD Friday Feb 11th 2011

Option #1


Seven rounds for time of:
1.5 pood Kettlebell swing, 15 reps
95 pound Power clean, 15 reps (taking weight from ground to the shoulders, weight must touch ground on each rep)
15 Box jumps, 24" box

U.S. Army Sergeant Jeremiah Wittman, 26, of Darby, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based out of Fort Carson, Colorado, was killed on February 13, 2010, when insurgents attacked his unit with a roadside bomb in Zhari province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his daughters Miah and Ariauna, wife Karyn, siblings Robert H., Charity, Jenell, and Natasha, father Robert, and mother Cynthia Church.

Option #2


5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

A.M.R.A.P. in 20 Minutes

You can pick one of the two.

WOD Thursday February 10th 2011



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

WOD Wednesday Feb 9th 2011

25 Jack Knives
100 Mountain Climbers (total)
25 Toes to Bar
100 Sprint Strides (total)
25 Situps
100 Flutter Kicks (total)
25 Russian Twist (50 total)

2 Rounds

Monday, February 7, 2011

last day of the burpee challenge

As many of you know today is the final day of the burpee challenge. What an epic challenge, it seemed simple on paper. Do 1 burpee on day one and 2 on day two and so on for 100 days. We had many interested clients, each client put their name on the white board and off we went. This challenge seemed unforgiving in nature. It didn’t care if you were tired, sore, sick, or busy. The days went buy and the number of burpees increased and the number of names decreased. At some point in the challenge each person was faced with the fact that they would have to make up a day or more to stay on track. There is a true mental toughness and drive to make it through these make up days and continue to do burpees the next day. There is no doubt in my mind that the few clients that have made it through this challenge possess this mental toughness. I heard stories about burpees in hotel room, 300+ burpee makeup days, seen burpees before and after the WOD. So without further a due congratulation to those few that made it:Tammy,Kris, Kellie, Paul, Kat, aka Land shark, Mike, Monte and Traper. Nice job or good job just doesn’t seem to say enough, truly what an astronomic, colossal, considerable, enormous, epic, gigantic, ginormous, humongous, jumbo, mammoth, massive, mega, monumental, prodigious, sizeable, tremendous, vast, very big, very large, whopping. Nicely done, Yes it’s done.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

WOD Tuesday Feb 8th 2011

"Heavy Thrusters"

12 Thrusters (135/95)
50 Double Unders

10 Thrusters
40 Double Unders

8 Thrusters
30 Double Unders

6 Thrusters
20 Double Unders

4 Thrusters
10 Double Unders

Last day of the burpee challenge. Congratulation to everybody who finished. You are now in a very special league of people. Not very many people can say have have done over 5000 burpees in just a little over 3 months.

WOD Monday Feb 7th 2011

Paralet Jump
Bicycle crunch
Box Jump

The sweatshirt order will be going in this Friday. If you haven't seen the sweatshirts they are posted by the "goal board" in the gym. We will not be putting in another order for a few months, so get them while its still cold out.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

WOD Friday Feb 4th 2011

5 Knees to Elbows
10 S.D.H.P (95/65)
15 Wallballs

5 Rounds

- must also complete
1000m row
3 rope climbs( if unable to do rope climb do a total of 30 pullups)

Many of you had heard that we were going to do "Cindy" today. But due to Wednesday's wod we decided that wouldnt be a great idea. Today's wod isnt a "name wod" but will still be a great workout. We will get back to the named wod's next week.

See what is going on outside of Black Hills Crossfit by visiting the bulletin board in the office. Check out the bulletin board for outside events/activities, paleo ideas and much more. Please post upcoming events/etc on the provided bulletin board in the office.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

WOD Thursday Feb 3rd 2011


Clean & Jerk
Ring Dips

WOD Feb 2nd 2011

Partner WOD

100 KB Swings/ Barbell Hold OH
200 Pushups/ Handstand Hold
150 Situps/ Plank
400 Squats/ Wall sit with Medicane Ball Held Overhead

- if during the wod you stop or break on any of the exercises
you and your partner must switch

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

WOD Feb 1st 2011

Split Jerk

- start out with a light weight and high reps, continue to lower the reps and add weight. The last 5 sets of 2 reps should look somewhat like this,

70%-80%-90%-Max-New Max,

- these percentages are based off your one rep max, if you dont know your one rep max now would be a good time to find out

Monday, January 31, 2011

WOD Jan 31st 2011

5 Burpee Pullup
25 KB Swings
40 Double Unders

5 Rounds

Thursday, January 27, 2011

WOD Jan 28th 2011


Ten rounds, for time of:
115/85 pound Thruster, 5 reps
10 Pull-ups
100 meter Sprint (run to mailbox and back)

U.S. Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, Texas, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on July 29th, 2010 in Tsagay, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Heather Holbrook and his parents Joan and James Holbrook.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WOD Jan 27 2011

Back Squats

Start with a light weight and work up to a set of
5 reps at 60%
5 reps at 70%
5 reps at 80%

the percentages are based off your 1-rep max, if you have no idea what your 1 rep max is then this would be a great time to find out.

10 min cardio burner

"coaches choice????"

One of the unique and different aspects of Black Hills Crossfit is the friendships that have developed and extend outside of the gym. When someone starts at BHCF it doesn’t take much time for them to feel comfortable working out with us. We think this is great and hope that it continues as we grow. We have noticed warm-ups have been delayed due to visting. This is totally understandable and encouraged - we just ask that you are mindful of the time. There are some people that have limited time to workout and when the warm-up and WOD start late it throws them off schedule. We would appreciate it if you could spend the time at the beginning of the hour warming up and vist after the WOD – if you have the energy. We encourage eveyone that can to stay late and cheer on the next class. We, as trainers, are in a tough position as we have to keep people on task in order to effectively do the job that you are paying us to do. We enjoy visiting with each of you and will continue to do so.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Black Hills CrossFit

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WOD Jan 26th 2011

30 Double Unders
25 Situps
20 Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar

6 Rounds

- must also complete 1500 meter row, row can be broken up
however you want

WOD Jan 25 2011

75 Overhead Squats 95/65 - every minute you must do 5 pushups -scale weight to your ability, goal for the wod is to work through full range of motion

Sunday, January 23, 2011

WOD Jan 24th 2011

10 Wallballs
3 Down & Back
15 Russian Twists with wall ball
15 Windshield Wipers with wall ball

4 Rounds

- russian twists are 15 each side so 30 total

- hold wall ball straight above head for wipers, legs touch each side, the ball and then back down, this will count as one

Thursday, January 20, 2011

WOD Jan 21st 2011


100 Pullups

100 Pushups

100 Situps

100 Squats

Option #2

-break into sets of 10 reps

WOD Jan 20th 2011

5 Deadlifts 185/225
10 Burpees
15 Box Jumps

5 rounds

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WOD Jan 19th 2011

Lunges (total)
Double Unders
KB Swings

Over the next few weeks you will see me with a video camera during the wod's. I am going to put together a promotional video that we can post on our website. If anybody is against being in the video please let me know. Thanks

Monday, January 17, 2011

WOD Jan 18th 2011

15 Squat Clean
21 Pullups
12 Squat Clean
18 Pullups
9 Squat Clean
15 Pullups
6 Squat Clean
12 Pullups
3 Squat Clean
9 Pullups


Option #2
chest to bar pullups

WOD Jan 17th 2011

30 Parallet Jumps (total)
30 Squats
30 Flutter Kicks
30 Second Plank

A.M.R.A.P in 23 Minutes

Friday, January 14, 2011

WOD Jan 14th 2011

"Filthy Fifty"

50 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Jumping Pullups
50 KB Swings (35)
50 Walking Lunges (total)
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45/35)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball (20/10) both to 10ft line
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders (200 singles)

Option 2
- cut reps in half

- if you want your time to count towards the leader board you must tell the trainer in charge, this way they can watch your form to make sure your reaching full ROM (range of motion) if you do not tell the trainer in charge your time will not count

Thursday, January 13, 2011

WOD Jan 13th 2011

Push Press
Split Jerk

5 rounds (95/65)

- wod is based on total reps, you start with pressing the weight once you reach failure you then push press the weight, once you have reached failure on push press you split jerk the weight. When you put the weight down the round is finished, you then have 1 minute rest between each round.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 pullups. 4 kb swings. 6 wallballs
4 pullups 6 kb swings 8 wallballs
- add 2 reps every round
A.M.R.A.P in 20 minutes
Things I have learned at CrossFit:

1. If I think it’s heavy, it will feel heavy.

2. If I complain, no one wants to stand near me . . . except other complainers.

3. Finishing last is okay sometimes.

4. Finishing first feels great . . . if a bit lonely.

5. Mom was right: Stand up straight.

6. Shakespeare was right: The empty vessels make the loudest noise.

7. Keep quiet and pay attention and you’ll learn a lot.

8. Nothing feels better than that first big breath of air after you’ve deprived yourself of oxygen.

9. “Power” doesn’t mean it has an external motor.

10. “Squat” means a LOT more than the phrase “doesn’t mean squat.”

11. If someone near you yells “Oh sh**!”, jump to the side. Really, really fast.

12. What goes up does come down. Even if it only goes halfway up. And that’s usually worse.

13. If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it right.

14. Cheaters think they win. But everybody knows the truth.

15. What you put into life, you get out of life. So don’t quit. And don’t stop. Drive onward, always onward.

-taken from CrossFit Elizabeth

WOD Tuesday Jan, 11th 2011

5 Bodyweight Deadlifts

10 Rollouts

6 Turkish Getups (total)

20 Mountain climbers (total)

5 rounds

How to Set-up the Deadlift, By Jim Smith

Here are some simple, real world cues for setting up on the deadlift that can help you improve your technique.

1.The feet: Your feet should be placed approximately shoulder width apart, but it will be completely individualized. Make sure your feet are flat and driving downward. If you drop your hips to pull and your ankles roll to the outside or the inside, something isn’t optimal. Change your shoes, change your foot placement, or maybe even improve your ankle mobility.
2.The shins: Your shins should start approximately 4–6 inches off the bar so that when you load into the bar, you can translate your shins and knees forward. This will allow your hips to drop into place and keep your lower back arched with appropriate tension. If you are too close to the bar, you’ll never be able to get the right line of pull or optimal leverage.
3.The grip: Your hands should be right outside your legs to minimize the hip angle and decrease the distance you have to pull. We always recommend pulling double overhand until your grip gives out. Then switch to a hook grip or even use straps. I usually don’t let my athletes pull with an alternated grip. Other deadlift grip considerations can be found at
4.The air: You must catch your air before the lift. This, along with a powerful isometric contraction of not only the abdominals but all of the muscles that surround the torso (anterior and posterior), will give you the tension to lift the weight with good form and protect the spine. With conventional deadlifts, I like to catch the air with the hips high before the drop so I can get the maximal amount of air in. Once the hips are dropped, you’re compressed (especially if you have a belt on), and you might be limited in your breathing.
5.The tension: Like previously stated, massive amounts of tension must be created not only across the quads, hamstrings, and glutes but also the grip and back. Remember, the more tension you can create, the stronger you’ll be and the more protected your spine and back will be. This tension allows your body to act as a single unit or one kinetic chain. One important tip for this cue is never forget the tension in the upper back. This is key to pulling it all together. You will immediately feel stronger if you can create tension across your back by squeezing the bar down and “flexing” the armpits, pulling the lats into the lift.
6.The pull: By driving your feet downward into the floor, the weight will begin its upward movement. Don’t allow your hips to rise too fast into a straight legged (stiff legged) position. As the bar hits the knees, a powerful glute contraction will lock you into a straight (line) torso position. This is a common error for most lifters who try and overpull after the bar crosses their knees and they move into hyperextension.
7.The return: Don’t lower the weight straight down. Instead, load the hamstrings and glutes with a Romanian deadlift movement back to the knees. Once it reaches the knees, move the bar straight downward back to the floor where you can stroke another rep immediately or come to a complete stop and reset completely before the next rep. The multiple rep technique where you touch the ground and go again should only be done if you’ve caught your air at lockout on the previous rep.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Jan 10th 2011

30 Squats

20 Pushups

30 Double Unders

20 Box Jumps

4 rounds

Saturday, January 8, 2011

8 Week Partner Paleo Challenge

8 Week Partner Paleo Challenge

Starts: January 10th 2011
Ends: March 5th 2011

Challenge includes:
1) Journal your nutrition intake for 8 weeks
2) Workout attendance at a CrossFit gym and outside the gym.
3) Body Fat % lost

How do you win? The couple with the most amount of points at the end of the 8 weeks wins. $10.00 buy in per person.

1st place $100.00
2nd place $50.00
3rd place $25.00

1) Food Journal-Start each day with 1 point.
A) If you fall off the wagon for the day, no points.
B) If you eat a small amount of dairy in the day, lose .25 points
C) If you consume 1 glass of red wine in the day, lose .50 points

2) Work out at a CrossFit gym- 1 point per workout.
A) Workouts outside of the CF gym -.50 points

3) Points for Body Fat % lost
A) BF analysis needs to be done no later than Wednesday January 12th. Black Hills CrossFit now has their own bodyfat analysis machine, thanks to Kelie. Please be sure to set the machine on “Athlete” when having the test done.
B) You receive 20 points for every 1% of body fat lost.

Notes of interest:

1) Paleo is: lean meats, veggies, nuts, seeds and a little fruit
2) No dried fruit
3) Protein Shakes are ok if they are low in sugar.
4) Salad dressings need to be olive oil based.
5) Smoked or dried meat is ok.
6) A couple comprises of any two people.
7) Sweet Potatoes and Squash, only 1 serving per day.
8) No added salt
9) Little fruit means 1-2 servings per day
10) Olive oil and coconut oil are acceptable. No vegetable oil.
11) Everyone is on the honor system with their journal. Keep a daily food and workout log. Your weekly log points must be turned in person or via email every 2 weeks by the close of business. Email to Logs turned into a trainer only. If the log isn't turned in, you won't receive the points for that week. Good luck

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wed 01-05-2010

Just a reminder to all PLEASE PARK ONLY IN FRONT OF BHCF DOORS! If there is no room in front please fell free to park along side of the building or on up top on the west side or next to the fence along the entrances road to BHCF. Thank you for your cooperation with this. The other businesses need that space. With that said. Wow what a week. Greatjob BHCF -ers. I have seen huge improvements and even some new PRs. Kipping pull ups are soon to be had by Katie ,Jami ,Nicole, Doug , and Jon. Christina ,Katie, Ron wow squatting improvement were huge. Kellie with the Frist ever Female muscle up at BHCF. Paul rowing a 1:24 d-8 500m new pr just to post a few. Thanks again everyone lets Finnish the week strong.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The first week of January is going to be "Fundamentals Week". We are going to be going back to the basics. We are going to have as many coaches at each session as possible. This way you can have a little more one on one time. I am strongly encouraging everybody to attend as many classes as possible. We are going to start by working the basic squat all the way up to learning the proper "clean & jerk". We will be teaching 4-5 skills per class and then having a short wod at the end of class. The classes will be as follows:

Monday and Tuesday
-Front Squat
-OH Squat
-wall ball
-Kipping Pullup

Wednesday and Thursday
-Push Press

Friday and Saturday
-Clean & Jerk
-Learning to properly drop a loaded bar

The way its going to work is the same classes will be taught on Mon-Tues, Wed- Thur, and Fri-Sat. Please try to make it to all 3 sessions. Even if you have been doing CrossFit since we opened you will benefit from these classes. Please try to be on time, as these classes will last the full hour. From here on anybody who wants to join Black Hills Crossfit will have to attend these 3 classes before they are allowed to join in on the WOD. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.