Thursday, February 3, 2011

WOD Friday Feb 4th 2011

5 Knees to Elbows
10 S.D.H.P (95/65)
15 Wallballs

5 Rounds

- must also complete
1000m row
3 rope climbs( if unable to do rope climb do a total of 30 pullups)

Many of you had heard that we were going to do "Cindy" today. But due to Wednesday's wod we decided that wouldnt be a great idea. Today's wod isnt a "name wod" but will still be a great workout. We will get back to the named wod's next week.

See what is going on outside of Black Hills Crossfit by visiting the bulletin board in the office. Check out the bulletin board for outside events/activities, paleo ideas and much more. Please post upcoming events/etc on the provided bulletin board in the office.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED today's was a great cardio workout on top of it all!
