Sunday, March 27, 2011

WOD Thursday March 31st 2011

"Loving My Wallball"

20 Wallballs
20 Russian Twist (per side)
2 Down & Back (carrying the wallball)
20 Situps with the wallball

5 Rounds

WOD Wednseday March 30th 2011

30 Sec Handstand Hold
30 Sec Squat Hold
30 Sec L-sit Hold
30 Sec chin-over-bar hold

A.M.R.A.P in 20 Minutes

WOD Tuesday March 29th 2011

Back Squat
7500lb Men
4500 lb Women

- you can use whatever reps or weight you want, when you get done the total weight you move must equal to above numbers

Part #2

Partner Up

2500 Meter Row
Plank Hold

-one partner is rowing while the other is holding a plank, the plank must never be broken, so the person who is rowing has to be off the row machine and in a plank before the other partner can break the plank, if the plank is broken both partners must perform 10 burpees

WOD Monday March 28th 2011


Box Jump (24/20)

Deadlift (135/95)


Option #2

"Go Heavy"


The first round of the Crossfit Games are in. Black Hills CrossFit finished in 35th place out of 47 in our region. And we finished 598th out of 786 in the world. Not to bad for our first go around. The next WOD will be announced at 1800 on Tuesday. That is if the website can keep from crashing when everybody logs on at the same time. Job well done to everybody.

Friday, March 25, 2011

CrossFit Games Results

Everybody who participated in the Games WOD's need to post their results. You need to go to your profile and put in your scores. I have listed the results below. You need to do so by Sunday afternoon.

Mike 197
Johnny K 206
Kat 194
Kai 143
Steve 210
Paula 238
Brian 214
Susie 210
Richelle 194
Katie F 172
Kelly B 165
Jen W 211
Paul 346
Will 261
Yanni 191

WOD Friday March 25th 2011

Option 1
10 L-pullups
15 pushups
10 chest to bar pullups
15 pushups
20 pullups
15 pushups

4 rounds

Option 2
22 KB Swings
22 Box Jumps
Row 400 Meters
22 Burpees
22 Wallballs

5 Rounds

Thursday, March 24, 2011

WOD Thursday March 24th 2011

50 Mountain Climbers

30 Russian Twists

20 Box Jumps

250 Meter Row

4 rounds

Monday, March 21, 2011

WOD Tuesday March 22nd 2011

Front Squat
5reps 3 reps 1 rep
(60%) (80%) (90%)

Pullups-KB Swings-Burpees
1 rep- 2 rep- 3 rep
2 rep- 3 rep-4 rep
3 rep- 4 rep- 5 rep

-continue to add 1 rep to each exercise each round

A.M.R.A.P in 15 minutes

WOD Monday March 21st 2011

30 Second Plank
20 Pushups
10 Box Jumps
20 Situps
30 Squats

5 Rounds

We are starting to get a very large collection of water bottles and shoes on the shelf under the stereo. Please take your water bottles and shoes home with you every day. It doesn't take very much time before we have a very large cluttered mess on the shelves. I don't want to start to throw things in the trash, but I will be forced to if it becomes to big of a mess. I wont throw out any shoes, but just ask Ryan Marck what happens when you leave your shoes at the gym for to long.

Thank you

Friday, March 18, 2011

WOD Friday March 18th 2011

New PR of 245lb

400 Meter Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pullups

3 Rounds

-we will also allow you to row 400m instead of runing, but it will not be counted towards the leaderboard

Thursday, March 17, 2011

WOD Thursday March 17th 2011


Nasty 25

25 Box Jump
25 Jumping Pullup
25 KB Swing
25 Lunges ( per leg)
25 Burpees
25 Situps

Everybody who is going to do the Crossfit Games WOD need to watch the video on the main website. It is under Wednesday's workout. It gives a good explanation of the movements. Good luck to everybody.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WOD Wednesday March 16th 2011

150 Squats
2500 Meter Row
60 Wall Ball
5 Mailbox & Back

-break up however you want, you can also break up the reps, strategy is the key to this wod

WOD Tuesday March 15th 2011

10 Push Press

20 KB Swings

30 Double Unders

A.M.R.A.P in 21 Minutes
The team profile for Crossfit Games is up and running. In order to join the team you need to register as a Athletic. Once you have done that you go to the bottom of your screen and there is a place where it says " Join a Team". It will ask for which team you would like to join. Type in "Black Hills CrossFit". You will then be apart of the team. I encourage everybody to join the team.
The first WOD will come out tonight. We will then have until Sunday evening to complete the Wod and then submit the results. The plan is to do the WOD's on Saturday morning during open gym. If you can not make it Saturday morning then let me know and we can make other arrangements. This plan will go for 6 weeks. Every Tuesday a new WOD will be posted. If you have any questions please let me know. Good luck to everyone and lets have some fun with the WOD's and being apart of the CrossFit Games.

Monday, March 14, 2011

WOD Monday March 14th 2011

10 Hang Squat Clean(95/65)
7 Rollouts
5 Burpees

6 Rounds

Friday, March 11, 2011

Paleo Winners

1st Place Susie & Katie F

2nd Place Katie S & Amanda

3rd Place Ryan & Jacque

Congratulations to the winners and everybody who participated. I would like to give an honorable mention to Katie Solvie. She has been doing an incredible job in and out of the gym. Not more than a month ago she was scared to jump on the silver box. Last night she jumped on it 100 times with out stopping. She is an incredible inspiration to all of us. Keep up the good work.

I would also like to invite everybody to the YMCA on Saturday to watch Richelle and Brian Kemper participate in their first powerlifting meet. It will be held upstairs at the YMCA in the gym. The meet starts at 9:00 am.

WOD Friday March 11th 2011


Deadlift (155/95)
Wall Ball
Weighted Jump Squats (25/10)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

WOD Thursday March 10th 2011

Spend first 20 minutes of the hour working your split jerks. Work on form and technique. Increase weight as your form gets better. Remember technique and form over weight and time every time. There is no set reps or weight.

Part #2

-break up how ever you want

100 Double Unders (300)
100 Situps
100 Box Jumps
100 Flutter Kicks (total)
30 Down & Back ( down and back counts as one, must touch wall on both ends, run from north to south)

WOD Wednesday March 9th 2011

5 Knees to Elbows
10 S.D.H.P (95/65)
20 Russian Twists (40 total) (20/10)
30 Air Squats

5 Rounds

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

WOD Tuesday March 8th 2011

Part #1

Overhead Squat

Part #2

40 Kb Swings
20 Pullups
10 Burpees
30 Kb Swings
15 Pullups
10 Burpees
20 Kb Swings
10 Pullups
10 Burpees

Sunday, March 6, 2011

WOD Monday March 8th 2011

10 Wallballs

15 Box Jumps

10 Thrusters (95/65)

4 Rounds

- must also do (2), 500 Meter Rows and 100 situps, situps and row can be done anytime during wod

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tubing party


When: Sunday - 05/13/11

Time: 12:00 pm

Cost: $18.00 per person

One rate only for adults and kids

Must be 40” or taller to tube

If we can get 20 or more people we will get a discounted rate of $15.00 per person

Meet at the main ticket area