Monday, January 31, 2011

WOD Jan 31st 2011

5 Burpee Pullup
25 KB Swings
40 Double Unders

5 Rounds

Thursday, January 27, 2011

WOD Jan 28th 2011


Ten rounds, for time of:
115/85 pound Thruster, 5 reps
10 Pull-ups
100 meter Sprint (run to mailbox and back)

U.S. Army Captain Jason Holbrook, 28, of Burnet, Texas, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, was killed on July 29th, 2010 in Tsagay, Afghanistan when insurgents attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Heather Holbrook and his parents Joan and James Holbrook.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WOD Jan 27 2011

Back Squats

Start with a light weight and work up to a set of
5 reps at 60%
5 reps at 70%
5 reps at 80%

the percentages are based off your 1-rep max, if you have no idea what your 1 rep max is then this would be a great time to find out.

10 min cardio burner

"coaches choice????"

One of the unique and different aspects of Black Hills Crossfit is the friendships that have developed and extend outside of the gym. When someone starts at BHCF it doesn’t take much time for them to feel comfortable working out with us. We think this is great and hope that it continues as we grow. We have noticed warm-ups have been delayed due to visting. This is totally understandable and encouraged - we just ask that you are mindful of the time. There are some people that have limited time to workout and when the warm-up and WOD start late it throws them off schedule. We would appreciate it if you could spend the time at the beginning of the hour warming up and vist after the WOD – if you have the energy. We encourage eveyone that can to stay late and cheer on the next class. We, as trainers, are in a tough position as we have to keep people on task in order to effectively do the job that you are paying us to do. We enjoy visiting with each of you and will continue to do so.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Black Hills CrossFit

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WOD Jan 26th 2011

30 Double Unders
25 Situps
20 Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar

6 Rounds

- must also complete 1500 meter row, row can be broken up
however you want

WOD Jan 25 2011

75 Overhead Squats 95/65 - every minute you must do 5 pushups -scale weight to your ability, goal for the wod is to work through full range of motion

Sunday, January 23, 2011

WOD Jan 24th 2011

10 Wallballs
3 Down & Back
15 Russian Twists with wall ball
15 Windshield Wipers with wall ball

4 Rounds

- russian twists are 15 each side so 30 total

- hold wall ball straight above head for wipers, legs touch each side, the ball and then back down, this will count as one

Thursday, January 20, 2011

WOD Jan 21st 2011


100 Pullups

100 Pushups

100 Situps

100 Squats

Option #2

-break into sets of 10 reps

WOD Jan 20th 2011

5 Deadlifts 185/225
10 Burpees
15 Box Jumps

5 rounds

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

WOD Jan 19th 2011

Lunges (total)
Double Unders
KB Swings

Over the next few weeks you will see me with a video camera during the wod's. I am going to put together a promotional video that we can post on our website. If anybody is against being in the video please let me know. Thanks

Monday, January 17, 2011

WOD Jan 18th 2011

15 Squat Clean
21 Pullups
12 Squat Clean
18 Pullups
9 Squat Clean
15 Pullups
6 Squat Clean
12 Pullups
3 Squat Clean
9 Pullups


Option #2
chest to bar pullups

WOD Jan 17th 2011

30 Parallet Jumps (total)
30 Squats
30 Flutter Kicks
30 Second Plank

A.M.R.A.P in 23 Minutes

Friday, January 14, 2011

WOD Jan 14th 2011

"Filthy Fifty"

50 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 Jumping Pullups
50 KB Swings (35)
50 Walking Lunges (total)
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press (45/35)
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball (20/10) both to 10ft line
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders (200 singles)

Option 2
- cut reps in half

- if you want your time to count towards the leader board you must tell the trainer in charge, this way they can watch your form to make sure your reaching full ROM (range of motion) if you do not tell the trainer in charge your time will not count

Thursday, January 13, 2011

WOD Jan 13th 2011

Push Press
Split Jerk

5 rounds (95/65)

- wod is based on total reps, you start with pressing the weight once you reach failure you then push press the weight, once you have reached failure on push press you split jerk the weight. When you put the weight down the round is finished, you then have 1 minute rest between each round.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2 pullups. 4 kb swings. 6 wallballs
4 pullups 6 kb swings 8 wallballs
- add 2 reps every round
A.M.R.A.P in 20 minutes
Things I have learned at CrossFit:

1. If I think it’s heavy, it will feel heavy.

2. If I complain, no one wants to stand near me . . . except other complainers.

3. Finishing last is okay sometimes.

4. Finishing first feels great . . . if a bit lonely.

5. Mom was right: Stand up straight.

6. Shakespeare was right: The empty vessels make the loudest noise.

7. Keep quiet and pay attention and you’ll learn a lot.

8. Nothing feels better than that first big breath of air after you’ve deprived yourself of oxygen.

9. “Power” doesn’t mean it has an external motor.

10. “Squat” means a LOT more than the phrase “doesn’t mean squat.”

11. If someone near you yells “Oh sh**!”, jump to the side. Really, really fast.

12. What goes up does come down. Even if it only goes halfway up. And that’s usually worse.

13. If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it right.

14. Cheaters think they win. But everybody knows the truth.

15. What you put into life, you get out of life. So don’t quit. And don’t stop. Drive onward, always onward.

-taken from CrossFit Elizabeth

WOD Tuesday Jan, 11th 2011

5 Bodyweight Deadlifts

10 Rollouts

6 Turkish Getups (total)

20 Mountain climbers (total)

5 rounds

How to Set-up the Deadlift, By Jim Smith

Here are some simple, real world cues for setting up on the deadlift that can help you improve your technique.

1.The feet: Your feet should be placed approximately shoulder width apart, but it will be completely individualized. Make sure your feet are flat and driving downward. If you drop your hips to pull and your ankles roll to the outside or the inside, something isn’t optimal. Change your shoes, change your foot placement, or maybe even improve your ankle mobility.
2.The shins: Your shins should start approximately 4–6 inches off the bar so that when you load into the bar, you can translate your shins and knees forward. This will allow your hips to drop into place and keep your lower back arched with appropriate tension. If you are too close to the bar, you’ll never be able to get the right line of pull or optimal leverage.
3.The grip: Your hands should be right outside your legs to minimize the hip angle and decrease the distance you have to pull. We always recommend pulling double overhand until your grip gives out. Then switch to a hook grip or even use straps. I usually don’t let my athletes pull with an alternated grip. Other deadlift grip considerations can be found at
4.The air: You must catch your air before the lift. This, along with a powerful isometric contraction of not only the abdominals but all of the muscles that surround the torso (anterior and posterior), will give you the tension to lift the weight with good form and protect the spine. With conventional deadlifts, I like to catch the air with the hips high before the drop so I can get the maximal amount of air in. Once the hips are dropped, you’re compressed (especially if you have a belt on), and you might be limited in your breathing.
5.The tension: Like previously stated, massive amounts of tension must be created not only across the quads, hamstrings, and glutes but also the grip and back. Remember, the more tension you can create, the stronger you’ll be and the more protected your spine and back will be. This tension allows your body to act as a single unit or one kinetic chain. One important tip for this cue is never forget the tension in the upper back. This is key to pulling it all together. You will immediately feel stronger if you can create tension across your back by squeezing the bar down and “flexing” the armpits, pulling the lats into the lift.
6.The pull: By driving your feet downward into the floor, the weight will begin its upward movement. Don’t allow your hips to rise too fast into a straight legged (stiff legged) position. As the bar hits the knees, a powerful glute contraction will lock you into a straight (line) torso position. This is a common error for most lifters who try and overpull after the bar crosses their knees and they move into hyperextension.
7.The return: Don’t lower the weight straight down. Instead, load the hamstrings and glutes with a Romanian deadlift movement back to the knees. Once it reaches the knees, move the bar straight downward back to the floor where you can stroke another rep immediately or come to a complete stop and reset completely before the next rep. The multiple rep technique where you touch the ground and go again should only be done if you’ve caught your air at lockout on the previous rep.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Jan 10th 2011

30 Squats

20 Pushups

30 Double Unders

20 Box Jumps

4 rounds

Saturday, January 8, 2011

8 Week Partner Paleo Challenge

8 Week Partner Paleo Challenge

Starts: January 10th 2011
Ends: March 5th 2011

Challenge includes:
1) Journal your nutrition intake for 8 weeks
2) Workout attendance at a CrossFit gym and outside the gym.
3) Body Fat % lost

How do you win? The couple with the most amount of points at the end of the 8 weeks wins. $10.00 buy in per person.

1st place $100.00
2nd place $50.00
3rd place $25.00

1) Food Journal-Start each day with 1 point.
A) If you fall off the wagon for the day, no points.
B) If you eat a small amount of dairy in the day, lose .25 points
C) If you consume 1 glass of red wine in the day, lose .50 points

2) Work out at a CrossFit gym- 1 point per workout.
A) Workouts outside of the CF gym -.50 points

3) Points for Body Fat % lost
A) BF analysis needs to be done no later than Wednesday January 12th. Black Hills CrossFit now has their own bodyfat analysis machine, thanks to Kelie. Please be sure to set the machine on “Athlete” when having the test done.
B) You receive 20 points for every 1% of body fat lost.

Notes of interest:

1) Paleo is: lean meats, veggies, nuts, seeds and a little fruit
2) No dried fruit
3) Protein Shakes are ok if they are low in sugar.
4) Salad dressings need to be olive oil based.
5) Smoked or dried meat is ok.
6) A couple comprises of any two people.
7) Sweet Potatoes and Squash, only 1 serving per day.
8) No added salt
9) Little fruit means 1-2 servings per day
10) Olive oil and coconut oil are acceptable. No vegetable oil.
11) Everyone is on the honor system with their journal. Keep a daily food and workout log. Your weekly log points must be turned in person or via email every 2 weeks by the close of business. Email to Logs turned into a trainer only. If the log isn't turned in, you won't receive the points for that week. Good luck

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wed 01-05-2010

Just a reminder to all PLEASE PARK ONLY IN FRONT OF BHCF DOORS! If there is no room in front please fell free to park along side of the building or on up top on the west side or next to the fence along the entrances road to BHCF. Thank you for your cooperation with this. The other businesses need that space. With that said. Wow what a week. Greatjob BHCF -ers. I have seen huge improvements and even some new PRs. Kipping pull ups are soon to be had by Katie ,Jami ,Nicole, Doug , and Jon. Christina ,Katie, Ron wow squatting improvement were huge. Kellie with the Frist ever Female muscle up at BHCF. Paul rowing a 1:24 d-8 500m new pr just to post a few. Thanks again everyone lets Finnish the week strong.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


The first week of January is going to be "Fundamentals Week". We are going to be going back to the basics. We are going to have as many coaches at each session as possible. This way you can have a little more one on one time. I am strongly encouraging everybody to attend as many classes as possible. We are going to start by working the basic squat all the way up to learning the proper "clean & jerk". We will be teaching 4-5 skills per class and then having a short wod at the end of class. The classes will be as follows:

Monday and Tuesday
-Front Squat
-OH Squat
-wall ball
-Kipping Pullup

Wednesday and Thursday
-Push Press

Friday and Saturday
-Clean & Jerk
-Learning to properly drop a loaded bar

The way its going to work is the same classes will be taught on Mon-Tues, Wed- Thur, and Fri-Sat. Please try to make it to all 3 sessions. Even if you have been doing CrossFit since we opened you will benefit from these classes. Please try to be on time, as these classes will last the full hour. From here on anybody who wants to join Black Hills Crossfit will have to attend these 3 classes before they are allowed to join in on the WOD. If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.