Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WOD Jan 27 2011

Back Squats

Start with a light weight and work up to a set of
5 reps at 60%
5 reps at 70%
5 reps at 80%

the percentages are based off your 1-rep max, if you have no idea what your 1 rep max is then this would be a great time to find out.

10 min cardio burner

"coaches choice????"

One of the unique and different aspects of Black Hills Crossfit is the friendships that have developed and extend outside of the gym. When someone starts at BHCF it doesn’t take much time for them to feel comfortable working out with us. We think this is great and hope that it continues as we grow. We have noticed warm-ups have been delayed due to visting. This is totally understandable and encouraged - we just ask that you are mindful of the time. There are some people that have limited time to workout and when the warm-up and WOD start late it throws them off schedule. We would appreciate it if you could spend the time at the beginning of the hour warming up and vist after the WOD – if you have the energy. We encourage eveyone that can to stay late and cheer on the next class. We, as trainers, are in a tough position as we have to keep people on task in order to effectively do the job that you are paying us to do. We enjoy visiting with each of you and will continue to do so.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Black Hills CrossFit

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