Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friday Oct 1 2010 WOD

For Time:


whats this you say!!!

WOD Thursday September 30th 2010

30 second plank
20 wall ball
10 burpee
5 deadlift (225/135)

8 rounds

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

WOD Wednesday September 29th 2010

100 step-ups
100 mountain climbers
4 laps
75 step-ups
75 mountain climbers
3 laps
50 step-ups
50 mountain climbers
2 laps
25 step-ups
25 mountain climbers
1 lap

24/20 step-ups

Split Jerk


Start off very light, using only a pvc pipe to start. Work through proper foot positioning and get a feel for the movement before adding any weight. Below I have posted an article from "Crossfit Verve" out of Denver on the importance of doing strength based workouts.

Lifting Heavy Weight: What it Will and Won’t do to Your Body - By Dan Young
There are few myths regarding fitness that seem to come up as often and lead people in the wrong direction as much as the idea that lifting heavy weight will make you look like a body builder or just “too muscle-ly”. (Not to mention little else drives your CrossFit trainers as crazy as trying to explain its fallacy a million times per heavy WOD post.) Most think, it’s common sense that lifting heavy weight will start to make you look like Ronnie Coleman and that doing high reps of light weight will make you “toned”. After all, we’ve all seen what it does to people. Lifting heavy weights makes you want to wear a speedo, put on some fake tan and strut on stage and pray you don’t get popped by the drug tests. Women get facial hair and deeper voices and man-boobs.
Here’s the problem: Its wrong.
Lifting heavy weights will NOT make you suber muscled. Has it ever occurred to you how hard body builders have to work to look like that? Here is what it takes to look like a body builder.
1) Genetics, a predisposition to build mass. 2) Steroids. 3) A diet of 5000-8000 calories a day. 4) “Bulking up” takes years of the crap above. For women, it’s even harder (even if you try). The pumped up image most women have of lifting weights is due to the FEW on the cover of magazines who chemically altered their bodies. “How’d your voice get so low Sally?” Women naturally have 15-20 times less testosterone than men and hence are simply unable to build the muscle mass often associated with weight training. Keep in mind weight training is entirely different then weight lifting, aesthetic vs. function.
Though there is some debate about the exact numbers, studies have found that lifting weights with reps of 8-20 actually tends to cause hypertrophy, a.k.a. muscle bulk. This muscle mass however is not all that strong, nor is it efficient (that's why a tabata workout will crush most body builders). In other words, your average “toning” regiment workout from trainer DouchebagMagee at your local globo-gym isn’t doing any toning at all but it really doesn’t matter anyway because your body isn’t pumped full of enough chemicals or cheeseburgers to make a difference.
So if we’re not building hulk necks when we lift heavy, what heck are we doing?
Ever wonder why you get stronger after lifting weight even though your body looks, more or less, the same? What’s changed? The answer is that your body has essentially learned a better way of moving weight. This is done through improving your motor muscle recruitment pattern, making you more able to ‘turn on’ more muscle motor units and it’s the main reason you get stronger after lifting. This improvement is transferred to every part of your life too. Suddenly every movement you make has become a smaller fraction of your total strength ability. Carrying the groceries up stairs is a small bit easier. Completing a prescribed WOD gets faster (by a lot too). Lifting heavy is, as Cherie stated a couple days ago, “An essential link in the development of athletic performance.”
It’s hard to over state the last point. When every exercise of every workout you do has suddenly become easier in comparison, you can do them MUCH faster (and with less lactic acid buildup). Do yourself a favor next time you come into the gym, compare the fastest day’s times with that person’s CrossFit total or Olympic total. The correlation isn’t random. And, there are lots of other fun benefits too, such as, positive adaptation in your bones (stronger bones) and connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, etc). Women who lift weights often have improved femininity. Ever seen the chick with the hot ass? She deadlifts and squats. Lifting heavy also causes your body to continue to burn calories long after your workout, something not seen with traditional “cardio”.
We all come to Black Hills CrossFit to be better functioning at life in general and Black Hills CrossFit is about making that happen. Not all days are heavy or even have a heavy component but when they do, there’s a reason. For many of us, lifting heavy weight this last month a couple of times has been the best thing we’ve done for ourselves, even if we didn’t realize it or want to do it.
The bottom line is this: lifting heavy weights promotes strength, NOT size and makes you MUCH more athletic. You’re not going to become a freak and that toned look we all want is due to both strong muscles and low body fat. So next time somebody tells you “I just want to get toned”, tell them to lay off the cheese fries and pick up something heavy.
(copyied from CrossFit Verve website)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

WOD Monday

5 Full Squat Clean 135/85
12 Pullups
20 Double Unders

6 rounds

Friday, September 24, 2010

WOD Friday September 24th 2010

100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

RX is completing all reps before moving onto next exercise

We are going to try and start having Friday's as name day. As many of you have seen on the main website there are lots of workouts that have names. We would like everybody to become familiar with them. If you ever go to another crossfit gym, they will probaly ask questions like "What is your Fran time? " this is a standard question, kinda like if you go to a regular gym they will want to know how much you can bench.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

WOD Thursday September 23 2010

10 Clean & Jerk 135/95
15 Knees to Elbows
20 Sprint Strides

A.M.R.A.P in 20 minutes

WOD Wednesday September 22nd 2010

1 Lap
10 Burpees
10 Kb swings
2 lap
20 Burpees
20 Kb Swings
3 lap
30 Burpees
30 Kb Swings
2 lap
20 Burpees
20 KB Swings
1 lap
10 Burpees
10 Kb Swings

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WOD Tuesday September 21st 2010

1st segment

2nd Segment

500 m row for time

Katie 23.57 (2.12)
Jen W 20.48 (2.03) rx
Tammy 24.46 (2.07)
Kelley 28.04 (1.55)
Paula 25.42
Susie 32.18 (1.53) rx
Jared 24.21 (1.44)
Jen P 25.05 (2.05)
Jacque 28.19 (2.17) rx
Will 23.05 (1.56) modified
JP 23.07 (1.40) rx
Andy 34.12 (1.47) rx
Tessa 30.03 (2.06)
Yanni 22.37 (1.41) rx
Kelie 19.44 (1.55) rx

Monday, September 20, 2010

WOD Monday September 20th 2010

1st part
Push Press

2nd part

7 pushups
14 squats
21 wall-ball
28 Double Unders

6 rounds

Friday, September 17, 2010

WOD Friday September 16th 2010

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats

A.M.R.A.P in 20 Minutes

Thursday, September 16, 2010

WOD Thursday September 16th, 2010

Phase 1


Start off light and work on proper form. Work up to 80%-90% max lift for last 3 sets.

Phase 2
"Quick Burner"
15 jumping jacks
10 situps
5 burpees

A.M.R.A.P in 15 minutes

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

WOD Wednesday September 15th 2010

20 Bicycle Crunches
15 Lunges
20 KB Swings
40 Double Unders

5 Rounds

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

WOD Tuesday September 14th 2010


Front Squat 135/95
Box Jump 24/20
Wall Ball 20/10
Knees to Elbows

- every 3 minutes you must stop and do 4 burpees

Sunday, September 12, 2010

WOD Monday September 13th 2010

You will begin the wod with 2 laps around the building. You can then complete the following tasks in any order you choose. But you have to complete all the reps before going on to the next task. You must also complete 2 laps around the building between each task.

1000 m row
50 KB Swings
50 Pullups
50 Burpee Situps
100 Double Unders or 400 singles

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Hour's change

After looking over the past couple of months of Saturday attendance, we have decided to make a slight change in the hours. We will now be open from 9-12 on Saturdays. Over the past 6 months we have only had 5 clients come in before 9:00, and they were usually here about 8:30. So this slight change in hours should not really effect anybody. We will constantly monitor the attendance in classes and make changes to try to accommodate everybody to the best of our abilities.

Thank you

Thursday, September 9, 2010

WOD Friday September 10th 2010

2 laps around building
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Situps
30 Mountain Climbers
5 Rounds

Compliments of CrossFit Alaska Website. And yes I am programing WOD'S running on no caffeine, carbs or sugar. Enjoy!!!!

WOD Thursday September 9th 2010

The main webiste says its time to do "Fran" so were going to do Fran today. Make sure you get in a good warmup. The shorter the wod is the longer warmup you need.


Thruster 95/65

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WOD Wednesday September 8th 2010

20 Wallball

15 Sprint Strides

10 Burpees

2 Muscle-ups (5 pullups, 5 dips)

6 rounds

WOD Tuesday September 7th 2010

1 lap around building
10 Front Squat (135/95)
15 situps
20 Box Jumps

5 rounds

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fish-Fry for the Big Guy

A friend of Justin's is hosting a fish fry and his home to help support Justin in his Combat Challenge world dominating tour.

Back by popular demand will be the Kennedy's fish fry!!!!! It will be a fundraiser for Justin Perkins for his combat challenge endeavor to South Carolina. Fun for all ages!! If you have fish bring a fish if you know a fish leave them home! RSVP if possible so we know how much fish to buy. Please respond to Keith Trojanowski at BHCF. Keg will be tapped about 3ish and eat about 5ish. Kennedy's world famous gumbo will be served and whatever you want to bring. And as always remember you and tune a piano but you can't tuna fish!!!

SUNDAY 9/19/2010 @ 115 FRANKLIN ST.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Roid monkeys bodybuilder freak show

Friday Sept, 3 2010 WOD

For Time:

10 Strict pullup
Reverse grip
20 K.B. Swings
20 Russian Twists
10 Pushups
X 5 Rounds

*Must also complete a 1000m row during WOD*

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday Sept 2, 2010 WOD

For Time:


Push Jerk

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wednesday Sept. 1 2010